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Week 2: The Physical Chassis and The Logic

Samm spoke with the mentor, Wise Man Bram, to nail down the specific details of the algorithm that will run the robot. Her goal is to make each square an object that contains information about itself (pit, Wampus, gold, or a safe square). As such, the grid itself will be a collection of squares with Cartesian coordinates through which the robot will navigate. Samm will continue working on the code over the weekend. The following is what she has set up so far:

For Randy and I, the physical chassis of the robot has been finished. Adjustments will be made as needed, but as it stands, it is sufficient for our purposes. This week, we added two sensors on the front of the robot that will guide the robot's movements as it traverses the dungeon.

As for the logic, the following link will display what Randy and Samm have come up with so far:

For next week, Samm plans to have the code template done. In our next meeting, she will work on the implementation of the code to bring it more in line with our purposes. Before Thanksgiving, we plan to, at the very least, have the code written so we can debug and test it with the robot if we aren't able to get to it before break begins. We'll also be coming up with a name for our little hero...

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