Having finished Daedalus' physical body (I have taken the liberty of naming it), Randy and I decided to help with testing the code for rotating and moving. To test the rotation, we set three long Lego pieces at 90 degrees to each other as guides for Daedalus. After a couple of tries, Samm was able to tweek the rotation value for Daedalus to be able to rotate left and right 90 degrees. Below is the current, updated code for Daedalus.

The code above also has the line sensor code integrated into it. The code was previously given, so all Samm had to do was insert it in the code and the sensors acted accordingly as seen below; when the sensors detect a white line, it will stop Daedalus. With the movement and rotation complete, for next week, we are tasked with making Daedalus make a figure 8 on the grid.
Also, when Daedalus was moving forward, it wasn't moving in a straight line. So, Randy decided to add braces on either side on the sticks connecting the treads to their respective motors. Before, the sticks on the left side were bent slightly downward which may have caused the robot to veer off course. Four smaller sticks were added between the two motors directly in order to add more rigidity to the whole underbelly of Daedalus.